All of my previous trade can be viewed on by >>clicking here<<
If you wish to learn from some of the top Gurus, then check out these offers.
Other training information can be found [HERE]
More info will be posted regularly....but if I get busy with other bad!
Kind Regards,
My beginnings are a humble as any other average Joe. I spent 10
years in the military, got injured and separated. I got a job that pays
ok, but I know that there is more to my life than just making enough to
survive. I transitioned from fixing Jet Engine to fixing award
recommendation for the Army. I spent two years on a jam packed,
expedited, extreme Bachelor Degree program for IT with a minor in
Business Administration.
I am a dedicated person,
also considered to be a "mad man" of sort, when it comes to learning. I
have a knack for understanding concepts and patterns, so it is logical
to me to try and apply my "super power" towards the stock market. After I
am extremely better, I plan on opening a Hedge Fund for Veterans and
Disabled people. I also wish to teach marketable skills to the homeless
or those that have lost their jobs, to get them back on their feet.
These project require money to start, so that is why I will be hitting
my stock training harder than I did my school. If I can get 4 years of
school done in two, while working full time, along with having a wife
and child, I can do just about anything...and so can anyone else with
the drive to make it happen!
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